Compiling C++ OpenVDB Hello World example using Houdini libraries on Linux

In this post I will describe a process of compiling Hello World example from OpenVDB library. I will take the first example from OpenVDB Cookbook. However instead of building the whole OpenVDB library I will take advantage of precompiled OpenVDB library shipping with Houdini. In this post I will assume that you have at least very basic understanding of compiling process.

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Compiling C++ OpenVDB Hello World example using Houdini libraries on Linux

USD setup & evaluation notes

In this post I will publish summary of setting up and fiddling a bit with Universal Scene Description (USD) on Linux. It will mostly contain my understanding of the concepts behind USD and a compilation guide for Ubuntu based OS.

Originally I wrote this article for an assignment during my Technical Directing studies at Filmakademie Baden-Wuertemmberg. Parts regarding compiling Maya plugin for USD were written by Tim Lehr.


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USD setup & evaluation notes

Shaping particle simulations with interaction forces in Houdini

In this post I will try to explain principles behind implementation of the research paper Shaping particle simulations with interaction forces published by DreamWorks in 2014.
This technique allows us to create forces on particles which can result in variety of interesting motions, one of them resembling water behavior. This approach is more efficient than complex liquid simulations since it does not include volumetric operations (as in FLIP solvers for example) and is also easy to control and to combine with any other particle forces. I did this implementation in Houdini and VEX, but principles apply to any other software.


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Shaping particle simulations with interaction forces in Houdini